Connecting and Supporting Veterans through a shared passion for gaming.
Rebuilding the veteran community, one gaming event at a time
As Frost Call’s original program, our Gaming Deployments partner with veteran and military organizations to bring out the newest games for everyone to play. Don’t come to us, we’ll come to you.
Click here to see when we’ll be in your area next
The Battle Buddy Program pairs vets with vets as a mutual support system to help get a sense of that comradery that's missing from civilian life. We offer unique events just for our Battle Buddy members.
Click here for more information
Our Local Veteran Community stays connected online between in-person events. We invite community organizations to join and share resources in support of veteran mental health. Our focus on local events means you can hang out IRL too.
Click here to join our official Discord server

Want to help support FROST Call’s Mission?
We are a 501(c)(3) registered charity. Your support and tax deductible donations help us reach out and connect with more veterans in the community.
FROST Call collaborates with allies in the community to facilitate veteran gaming events.
FROST Call represents veterans in their community, from the local hobby shop to the eSports arena. In between meetups our Discord server provides an online community and connection.
We are an inclusive community of service members and veterans focused on promoting positive mental health.
We believe the value of community is showing up for one another. FROST Call is a network of veterans and civilian allies dedicated to bringing gaming to veterans in Massachusetts and staying in touch online. Whether it’s Co-Op, tournaments, or free-for-all, we are all on the same team.